Extended licence example

A Licence is a permission for an entity to do something that would otherwise not be permitted. Note that such permissions are recorded in multiple different ways and to different granularity. In addition categories cross over, for example a pawnborker may be regulated as a retail establishment by a city, but also as a financial institution by a national or regional financial regulator. Sometimes the licence is a simple statement - the government of Rwanda has given a banking licence to a certain bank -- other times it is fine-grained and highly complex (e.g. an extractives licence or the UK FCA licencing scheme). This schema tries to make it easy to submit the former, while not losing granularity of the latter.

The below example is not based on any one licence and is only intended to provide a better idea of how each field should be used

  "confidence": "HIGH",                                       # Confidence in the accuracy of data
  "licence_holder": {
    "entity_properties": {
      "jurisdiction": "us_tx",
      "name": "Thomas Cook Group Limited",
      "registered_address": "Suite 1847-4 Montreal H3B 5B1"   # The official address where an entity 
                                                              # is registered
      "mailing_address": "Box 209851, S Plaza, Toronto",      # The postal address for an entity
      "officers": [
          "name": "Hemant Dullabh",                           # An officer (director, senior executive) 
          "position": "Agent"                                 # of a company
      "alternative_names": [                                  # An alternative name of a company, e.g.
                                                              # abbreviation, trading (including dba 
                                                              # or doing business as), legal. As well 
                                                              # as trading names etc, it can be used for 
                                                              # storing alternative language 
                                                              # representations of the legal name, in 
                                                              # which case the language should be 
                                                              # represented as two-letter ISO-639 code.
          "company_name": "Cheques Ltd.",
          "type": "trading"
    "entity_type": "unknown"
  "licenced_location": {                                      # The address where a licence is valid if 
                                                              # restricted to a location (e.g. often 
                                                              # liquor licences)
    "street_address": "1606 W BROADWAY AVE",                  # An address can be split into its 
                                                              # component parts or included as a single 
                                                              # string
    "locality": "MOSES LAKE",
    "region": "us_tx",
    "postal_code": "988372613"
  "permissions": [                                            # A permission issued by a government or 
                                                              # regulatory body to an entity to do 
                                                              # something. This may be fine grained,
                                                              # e.g. to sell liquor, to accept customer 
                                                              # deposits, or broader, e.g to operate as 
                                                              # a bank, a restaurant. It may also 
                                                              # be permission to do something physical, 
                                                              # such as explore for oil in a given area, 
                                                              # or mine for iron ore.
      "activity_name": "Money Services Business",             # The name of the licence permission, E.g. 
                                                              # 'Bank', 'Pawnbroker', 'Electrician',
                                                              # 'Off-Premesis Wine Sales'
      "permission_type": "operating"                          # Types of permission, such as 'operating',
                                                              # 'exploration', 'exploitation' (often 
                                                              # 'operating')
  "source_url": "http://www.example.gov/entity=1337",         # Place where this fact can be verified
  "sample_date": "2015-05-29",                                # Date on which we know this to be true 
                                                              # (usually the date this information was 
                                                              # retrieved from the source)
  "jurisdiction_of_licence": "us_tx",                         # The area in which this licence is valid
  "start_date": "2002-01-01",                                 # The issue date of the licence
  "end_date": "2004-03-01",                                   # The expiry date of the licence
  "status": "Closed",                                         # The status of the licence. If the licence
                                                              # is made up of a number of permissions, 
                                                              # each of which has a status, store 
                                                              # the status in the permissions field 
                                                              # instead/ as well
  "licence_number": "2245",
  "licence_issuer": {                                         # The organisation that issued the licence
    "jurisdiction": "Texas, United States",                   # Name of the jurisdiction in which the 
                                                              # entity is incorporated/ domiciled 
                                                              # (use global for global entities, e.g. UN)
    "name": "Department of Banking"
  "other_attributes": {                                       # Use for other licence attributes for 
                                                              # which we don't yet have curated schema 
                                                              # attributes
    "siteid": "10383",
    "latest_filing_date": "2003-01-01"